Saturday, June 9, 2012


Most Successful Positions to Get Pregnant

There are lots of things which you can consider when trying to get pregnant. Besides the things you already know such as balanced dieting, exercises, weight control, stress management and so on, you probably also know about alternative treatments.

Alternative treatments like herbal treatment, yoga and meditation, fertility massage, acupuncture and acupressure are also proven valuable things that you may consider.

Although there is no enough research to back up this issue, but it is known that some sexual positions may help in increasing the chance to get pregnant. There are actually dozens of sexual position with different kind of names and style, and even modification of styles.

That is explained in more detail by the famous Sanskrit literature, Kamasutra written by Vātsyāyana. To mention a few, the most common human sexual positions are the missionary, doggy and cowgirl position.

Two major factors in getting the best chance to get pregnant in relation with sexual act are the sex position and gravity. The basic principle is that the position of both the male and female should make use of the law of gravity to make it easier for the sperm and egg to copulate.

The Missionary Position. This is the most common sexual position, where the male lies on top of the female. Although not backed up by medical researches, most experts suggest that this missionary position worked best if you want to get pregnant.

This position makes it possible for deep penetration of the male sex organ and allowing the flow down of the sperm by the gravity into the cervix opening (cervical os) then into the uterus where one of the champion sperm may eventually meet the ovum.

To let the gravity work, many experts suggest not to get up directly after sex but lay down for a while letting the sperm stay in the vagina. It is also better if you put a pillow under the female hips to tilt it to a favorable position for the gravity to work 

The Doggy Style. In this style penetration of the male sex organ is made from behind. This provides a deep penetration closely to the cervix opening. Ejaculation close to the cervix opening provides a higher chance for the sperm to enter the uterus and look for the egg.

But after ejaculation, the sperm tends to drip out of the vagina because of the position that does not support gravity to work at its maximum. To give it a better chance, lying down directly after ejaculation seems to be a good try to increase the possibility to get pregnant.

The Cowgirl Position. This is where the female is on top of the male. It is less likely that this position facilitates the fertilizing process of the egg, since the sperm can easily drip out the vagina due to gravity, which makes it harder for the champion sperm to get into the uterus and meet the egg. Some other positions that you must avoid is standing and sitting.

You may as well use any position as you wish, but please keep in mind that position and gravity are the key factors that increase the possibility to get pregnant. 


Natural Ways to Get Pregnant Naturally

Getting pregnant naturally sounds a bit traditional in this modern era where medical technology becomes more advanced and sophisticated. Almost every process in the field of obstetric and gynecology related to reproduction can now be managed with high success rates.

Conception, for instance, since long ago could be performed in vitro or outside the womb. Within a short period of time the fertilized egg will then be implanted in the receiving womb of the mother. Thus, such technology will discard the sexual act of a man and a woman which is known as the natural process of getting pregnant.

I personally, maybe lots of other people too, feel that such way to get pregnant is a bit inhuman, or at least loses the sense of humanity. The emotional relationship between a man and woman in creating their offspring seems to be gone. Technology is good, but sometimes it becomes too “robotic”.

Understanding the concept of “Natural Treatment”

I myself perceive natural treatment as any curative and preventive means which is based on each and every natural process of a living well being using all possible means of bare nature that God provides us. Any deviation that may lead to a disease or disorder should be rectified using the power from within.

If somebody get a disease, the treatment will focusing on strengthening the defense mechanism of our body, not merely destroying external causes. The curative agents should be taken from the nature, like leaves, roots, flowers or any part of a healing plant, rather than administering chemical substances which possesses higher possibilities to be harmful to our body.

A very old tradition of natural healing using herbal remedies is recognized as the Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM). TCM could be considered as the oldest and comprehensive natural healing system in the world. It is also the safest and most effective system of health care, which has maintained the health and longevity of the world’s oldest ongoing Chinese civilization for more than 5.000 years. 

TCM resembles a very old tree that continues to show its existence and keep growing to provide the best selection of herbal remedies to support the health care system of human in addition to the treatment of various today’s diseases. The origin of this system is the ancient Great Principle of Yin and Yang, the Five Elemental Energies and other primeval principles of Tao. For this reason, healing herbs and Chinese herbal formulas are able to cover a broad field of human health care and cures. 

Applying natural treatment to your problem

As the above view seems to be very traditional compared to the modern medical knowledge and practices, the critical question now is: “Does natural treatment work to get you pregnant?”
Well, it still works and more and more people are considering natural treatment as an alternative treatment after modern ways do not deliver what is expected.

Healing herbs

Healing herbs are used as an integrated element of a holistic healing concept. Every healing herb or plant has its own characteristics which are translated into the great principle of equilibrium as warm and cold, sweet and bitter, dry and wet, positive and negative and so fort.

Diseases and disorders are also translated in the same manner following this principle. There are several herbs which are recognized and used to boost fertility such as red raspberry leaves, chasteberry, false unicorn, red clover and evening primrose oil.

Yoga and meditation

These are the alternative means to improve fertility and could increase the chances to get pregnant. It as been scientifically proven, that yoga and meditation are of great value in helping to conceive. It seems that they work on the peace of mind and balancing of the mind, body and spirit

Fertility Massage

Fertility massage sessions are really beneficial to relieve stress and tension. By managing your stress, you will be able to improve your health and ate the same time increases the chance to get pregnant. These are series of massage session to improve reproductive system health, menstrual cycle and fertility. Massage can be taught to apply self fertility massage to yourself.


Acupuncture in combination with healing herbs has been used since long ago to treat some infertility causes. It can not be used to treat cases of tubal adhesion such as in endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. This is performed by the mean of very thin and sterile needles which are inserted into specific points of the body that are located on a pathway that controls a specific body part and function.

Today, many western doctors perform such kind of treatment and are often an official course of therapy combined with modern medicines. 


Finding Your Ways to Get Pregnant

Finding ways to get pregnant seems like an easy task, since pregnancy is a natural phenomena created by The Almighty to maintain the existence of the human race. The majority of couples around the world find that getting pregnant is a reasonable consequence of getting married which just happened after having sex.

As a matter of fact, many women can get pregnant easily and naturally. No extra effort is needed for them to get pregnant. Many women got pregnant beyond expectation even by using contraceptives to control birth. Many families have more than 2 children which in some countries become a serious social problem and source of poverty.

At the other side of the coin, there are lots of women who strive to get pregnant, and try hard to find a way to make their wish come true. And you may be one of them. May be you started wondering when after several months after your marriage you are still do not feel any early symptoms of pregnancy, while you are expecting this to happen very much.

For some women, getting pregnant is like making a long journey on a long road with so many obstacles. The journey starts directly after a marriage. And at some distance, still close from the starting point, the very classical questions arise: “Are you pregnant already?” “When will you have your baby?”... and so on.

It seems normal in the beginning, but after a period of time such question becomes annoying and is more likely to make you worried and distress. Unfortunately, these are good reasons for not getting pregnant. The more the stress, it becomes less likely that you will get pregnant.

You will hear comments, the good and the worse, or get helpful advices, or even stories of successful pregnancy of your friends or relatives of your age. You may encounter people facing the same problem like yours, who may be starting to give up and are trying to let it go. Do not get influenced by such de-motivating attitude. It is best to keep your spirit. High spirit and motivation is one of the ways to success. I am sure you will agree to that.    

You then start to get some help or gather information on what is probably going wrong. And you will do everything to make your dream into reality. You may be seeing an obstetrician and follow all the advice without any objection, dieting, exercising, no smoking, no drinking, regular sexing, got enough rest, take supplements, you name it. But still, no signs of an expected pregnancy.       

Your obstetrician has probably found something wrong in your body, but it was treated successfully. How about possible abnormalities in your reproduction system or organs? Is there any sign or symptoms to indicate that you suffer from endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome? What about genetic factors, family history of not having a child and what were the reasons to this? If your answer is that nothing is wrong, everything is okay, and then your worries mounts and you may start feeling desperate. 

While you are walking through the long road, time passes by and you are getting older. Some medical studies show that age is the most possible reason for infertility. This medical study reveals that the older the age, the fewer eggs (ovum) is produced by a woman. The decreasing number of egg production year after year makes it more difficult for an older woman to get pregnant.

Infertility statistics show that the 15 – 29 age-group of women, 11% have been found to be infertile, while the 30 – 34 age-group have been confirmed to have an increased infertility portion of 16%. The older group of 35 – 39 years of age infertility increased to 22.6% and the oldest age-group, 40 – 45 years old, the infertility rate is 27.4% even before entering their menopause.    

Just to remind you, that a battle with infertility is a team work with your spouse. You should solve all the problems together, hand in hand, experiencing the same worry, sorrow and pain. Your spouse should be asked to undergo some tests too to assure all matters pertaining fertility is alright on his side.     

Teamwork is always a good solution to achieve something, isn’t it?


Tips for Getting Pregnant to Make Your Dream Come True

Time will come when you will start to think about getting pregnant. Long before your marriage you probably already have a kind of dream of bearing a child and become a lovely and caring mother. Or may be directly after your marriage you will start to plan something out to prepare yourself for a pregnancy.

I have some tips that may be valuable to you to make it easier to check the things you should not miss. Here are the tips.  

Get a doctor’s help

This is the first thing you should do. It will be very wise to have somebody with experience as a resource person. This is one factor that can reduce tension and ease your mind. A doctor or an obstetrician is more likely to be the perfect resource person to help you out.

You can discuss the problem in depth and try to find out the very basic obstacle that may cause a delay or difficulty in getting pregnant. In fact the cause of infertility is not hard to identify if you are in the hand of the right person.

Exercise adequately

You might be surprised if I tell you that exercise could be the cause of infertility. The fact is that exercise is actually a major factor in many infertility cases, whether it is too much or too little exercising. In other words, exercising has a great impact on fertility.

Exercising every day for 30 minutes, 3 to 4 days in a week can ease your way to getting pregnant. The possibility will increase if you combine adequate exercise with a healthy diet and good health care of yourself.

Eat healthy

Healthy eating habits or get used to a healthy diet pattern is strongly related to fertility. Or in other words, what you eat affects fertility. Eating a healthy meal consistently will definitely improve fertility and significantly increases the probability to get pregnant.

A healthy diet for getting pregnant means that you should consume a well balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fats. You should take the long chain carbohydrates (polysaccharides or oligosaccharides) found in whole grain products and other fiber products. Your fat intake should be focused on the mono-unsaturated fat. And consume eggs carefully, since the yolk may cause high cholesterol.

Take prenatal vitamins

It is recommended to start taking vitamin and supplements when you plan to get pregnant. You can select the kind of prenatal vitamins which contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. Look for those that contain B vitamins, folic acid and zinc, which are essential for the production of female hormones that regulates your ovulation and strengthen your uterus

Know your ovulation time using a basal thermometer

The best time to get pregnant is more likely to be around your ovulation time. Having sex every other day around your ovulation time will provide you with the highest probability to get pregnant. To help you in estimating this perfect time, a basal thermometer should be used rather than an ordinary fever temperature.

The principle in using a basal thermometer when estimating your ovulation time is to take your temperature every morning before you get up and post all the readings into the BBT (Body Basal Temperature) chart. What you should look for is a temperature shift of at least 0.2 ºC or 0.4 ºF. Before ovulation your basal temperature should show lower readings compared to after ovulation. The shift indicates your fertile period or ovulation time.

Things to avoid

You should try hard to avoid junk food, alcohol and caffeine, saturated fats, food additives and unpasteurized foods. Although fish is a good source of protein, but it is better to avoid some sea foods like oysters, mackerel, sharks, swordfish, tilefish and tropical fish like mahi-mahi, grouper and amberjack.

Other foods to avoid are uncooked or cured meats. Herbal teas like green tea, ginseng, raspberry, slippery elm and cohash which are known to cause contraction of the uterus, therefore it should be avoided.

Please avoid being on a strict diet in relation to a weight loss plan. If you are obese the best thing you can do to reduce weight is through exercising. On top of that try to have three balanced meal per day at the minimum. Exercising and a balanced diet will be enough to keep you healthy. 


Getting pregnant is also an important phase in our life that needs planning. There are lots of things that you should consider before you get pregnant. The most important thing is your readiness including the readiness of your spouse and environment.

But one thing I have to say is that you should never overdo the planning. Just make a plan as simple as possible. Avoid to making plans which are out of your reach. Adjust your plan to your situation, condition and within your limitation. Making impossible plans will make you stressed, which is a counter productive to your wish of getting pregnant. 

Manage stress

At this moment the affect of stress to infertility has not found a clear explanation yet. It is said that there are not enough data to back up the idea that stress may cause infertility. However, while waiting for clear answers the best thing to do reduce stress is to manage it. Reducing the levels of stress seems to help in getting pregnant. One way is to change the perception about things that winds you up. I have written a special article on how to manage stress titled: “Stress Management to Induce Fertility” in this article directory

Spouse participation

Men infertility is an important factor you should take into consideration when trying to get pregnant. The responsibility to carry out your pregnancy plan does not merely lies in the woman, but also the man. Thus, when it comes to infertility, both parts should be evaluated. It will be best to solve any pertaining problem hand in hand with your spouse.

That concludes my contribution about several tips on getting pregnant that you may consider. Hope you a success.


Age to Get Pregnant – Woman’s Stages of Fertility

The best age to get pregnant can be viewed from one’s physical and psychological maturity as well as their socio-economic readiness. This means that the best age to get pregnant differs form each individual to another. The fertile maturity in women statistically starts at the age of 18 and will be optimum until the age of 25. This is the period where women are more likely to get pregnant easier.  

After reaching a peak at the age of 26, fertility starts to decline gradually in a bit slow pace until the age of 35. During the period of age of 35 - 40, the decline of fertility becomes faster and beyond this phase of life pregnancy problems tends to appear more often. Statistics show that about 2/3 of women above 40 are having infertility problems.

However, pregnancy without any physical problem can still happen at a younger age below 18 or in elder women above 40. Thus there are other determinants that shape the best age to get pregnant. As I mentioned earlier, it is about psychological or emotional maturity and socio-economic readiness earlier. Here is an overview on those matters.

Teenage motherhood

One important issue in emotional maturity is the sense of responsibility which is required to provide good care to the woman herself and to her coming baby. Many young couples lack this sense of responsibility and are more occupied by their own interest or careless behavior

The consequences and risk of getting pregnant, the potential danger and possible complications, and the painful labor can only be carried by an emotionally mature woman. And after labor, which is raising a child, the sense of responsibility will start to grow more immense.   

If you are too young to get married you may be feeling trapped in a world that does not belong to you. When other teenage friends enjoy their age of being a teenager experimenting the world, you will be baby sitting while trying hard to set some free time to hang out with your peers.

Young couples are less likely to be financially settled and more likely to be dependent. This is a potential problem of disharmony among husband and wife which is not good for a pregnant woman.  

Young motherhood

Physically, the best time frame to get pregnant is at the age of 18 – 25 years old. A women’s reproductive system has reached its optimum maturity and ready to support a pregnancy process. In this optimum fertility stage, pregnancy complications are less likely to happen. You will also be at the best physical condition to handle everything related to raising a child.

At this time you and your partner may be starting a career and try to be financially independent. You may be focusing on your job and how to earn more money to pay all the bills. As a consequence, you probably will not pay enough attention to your raising baby and child. And this will affect the natural and emotional binding between mother and child. I have seen a lot of young mothers who are too busy with their jobs and letting their baby into the care of someone else and loosing their intimation with their small children

Older age motherhood

Beyond the age of 26 up to 30 years old is probably the optimum time to get pregnant and become a mother. You are still in a good fertility condition although it is trending down and you are also physically prepared to bear a child.

At this age you are more settled financially and enjoying a steady career. Your emotional binding with your husband becomes stronger, which make you both qualified to raise a family in warm parenthood
Beyond the age of 30 fertility declines and the probability to get pregnant also tends down gradually. After the age of 35, pregnancy becomes riskier and should be under special care. Although pregnancy after 40 is not a rare case today and can be successfully managed by advanced technology, but getting pregnant at this age should be considered with caution. In many cases, the recommendation to adopt a child seems to be more rational.