Tuesday, April 24, 2012


A Total Approach to Enhance Fertility

Fertility enhancers also include a lot of things such as vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies or drug prescriptions. So, it is not just about food but even include some factors of a healthy lifestyle such healthy diet, adequate exercises, stress management and the attempt to quit smoking, alcoholism and drugs.

Let us take a look at several fertility enhancers that you should never overlook when trying to boost fertility. They include several factors that work together rather than just focusing on a single element to yield the needed level of fertility to be able get pregnant or conceive.

Diet and Weight Control

Most degenerative diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke and other conditions like obesity, insomnia and general pain is a result of prolonged bad eating habits such us uncontrolled dieting and eating unhealthy foods.

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet is a fundamental factor to prevent the above diseases and condition which are all strongly related to fertility, especially overweight. Both overweight and underweight play a significant role in the production of estrogen, which is the female hormone that controls the ovulation process in women. Hence it is important to keep your weight at a steady level through sufficient exercising and adopting a healthy diet plan.
Fertility boosting foods

Common fertility boosting foods usually contain a portion of whole grains, plant protein, vegetables and fruits, full-fat diary products, and the healthy fats such as omega-3, mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Fertility boosting herbs

Herbs are the gifts of nature which played a central role in the maintaining of health and longevity of mankind and civilization. It has been practiced that herbs are used to boost fertility and cure infertility. Traditional healers from ancient time have taken benefits of many safe and sound herbal remedies to treat diseases and to keep health.

Among those fertility boosting herbs are red clover blossoms (Trifolium pretense),
nettle leaves (Urtica dioica), raspberry leaves (Rubus ideaus), dong quai (Angelica sinensis), false unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum), damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca) and chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus)

In spite of there well known effectiveness, any intention to take such fertility boosting herb should be with the knowledge of your doctor. Herbal remedies are actually not under strict control of the FDA, while there is also a chance that the effect of the herbs will interfere you current medication if any.

Fertility boosting medications

Some medicines are known to be able to stimulate ovulation process. The course of action of such medicine is similar to the function of natural hormones which in ovulation disorders may be deficient. This will eventually increase the probability to conceive.

But using such fertility medicines can put you into a risk to have multiples. The injection in particular, is riskier and can increase the risk of bearing multiples aroun 20%.

The common used drug in infertility treatments are Ovidrel, Pregnyl, Repronex, Gonal-F, Follistim, Glucophage and Letrozole

This is a proven system that not only enhanced fertility but cures infertility in an all-natural way, which is able to permanently eliminates infertility issues without drugs or surgery. You can safe your money on pills, potions, and other worthless quick fix cures. Lisa Olson the author of Pregnancy Miracle will teach you the truth about getting pregnant once and for all and finally be the proud mother you deserve. Here is the link to Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle