Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Essential Vitamins to Get Pregnant

Vitamin is an organic chemical compound which are required by our body but is not able to be synthesized by our body and should be obtained from outside through our diet.

Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a human being. Starting at the very beginning at the conception where the development takes place by absorbing the required nutrients. The developing fetus needs certain vitamins and minerals to produce the body parts and system such as the skin, bone as well as the muscles.

In case of serious deficiency in one or several vitamins and nutrients, the presence of a deficiency disease could be obvious and are most likely to cause permanent damage in the developing fetus.

After completion of growth and development and after birth till it gets mature as a healthy adult, vitamins and minerals are still required to maintain the perfect function of the entire body systems. They are needed as catalysts of various metabolic processes of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. So, the message is very clear: Do not neglect your vitamin and mineral requirement.     

It is recommended to start taking vitamin supplements when you plan to get pregnant. You can select the kind of prenatal vitamins which contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. Look for those that contain B vitamins, Folic acid and Zinc, which are essential in the production of female hormones.

Here is a short list of most common prenatal vitamins and minerals composition with its minimum daily requirement:

Vit. A & Beta Carotene (700 mcg) - Supports in the development of bones and teeth.

Vitamin D (5 mcg) - Helps the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in our body; promotes bones and teeth strength

Vit. E (15 mg) - Supports the formation and use of erythrocytes and muscles cells

Vit. C (80 - 85 mg) - An antioxidant to prevent tissue damage and supports the body in iron absorbing; builds a healthy body immune system

Vit. B1/Thiamin (1.4 mg) - Energy booster and improve control of the nervous system

Vit. B2/Riboflavin (1.4 mg) - Maintains energy, good vision and healthy skin

Vit. B3/Niacin (18 mg) - Promotes skin health, nervous and digestive system

Pyridoxine/B6 (1.9 mg) - Supports the formation of erythrocytes and helping to relief morning sickness

Folic Acid/Folate (600 mcg) - Support the placenta, and the prevention of spina bifida and other neural tube defects

Calcium (1,000 - 1,300 mg) – Support the formation of strong bones and teeth, helps to prevent blood clotting, supports the function of muscles and nerves

(27 mg) - Supports hemoglobin production; anemia prevention, and the prevention of low birth weight, and premature delivery

Zinc (11-12 mg) - Supports the production of insulin and enzymes

Protein (60 mg) - Supports the production of amino acids and repairs cells


If you wish to follow an assured system to guard a healthy pregnancy  than you should obtain 
PREGNANCY MIRACLE SYSTEM. A lot of women with infertility problems had successful pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies.

Here is what Lisa Olson has to say about her wonderful system:
"Get pregnant naturally and give birth to healthy children with the Pregnancy Miracle! Guaranteed! Discover how I have taught thousands of women worldwide to conceive faster than they ever thought possible, even if you've never succeeded to get pregnant before... Right here you can get the pregnancy success system you've been looking for! Just click here!


Fertility Foods to Get Pregnant

What you eat is what you are. It’s true, isn’t it? What you eat determines your health now and in the long run. Most of the systemic and degenerative diseases are caused by the wrong eating habits, meaning what and how you eat.

Hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and serious heart diseases are mostly originated from the wrong food intake in terms of both quality and quantity.

The explosion of the food industry and the increasingly busy world are among the factors that change the lifestyle of the majority of people in modern countries, the eating habits in particular.

Healthy eating habits or get used to healthy diets is strongly related to the ability to get pregnant. Or in other words, what you eat affects fertility. Eating a healthy diet will definitely improve fertility and significantly increases the probability to get pregnant.

A healthy diet for getting pregnant is to consume a well balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fats. Take the long chain carbohydrates (polysaccharides or oligosaccharides) found in whole grain products and other fiber products. Fat intake should be focused on the mono-unsaturated fat. Consume eggs carefully, since the yolk may cause hypercholesterolemia.

Eat natural food rather than processed food. Natural foods like fresh fruits and vegetables are more likely free from preservatives and additives. Such chemical additives are prone to cause hormonal imbalance, impair blood sugar levels and reduce fertility.

Eat fish and avoid eating red meat. Fish is a protein-rich source, while red meat tends to increase body ammonia level which might hamper the process of egg implantation in the inner side of the uterus (endometrium) 

Eat wheat and diary products sparingly. Some ladies might be allergic to wheat without knowing it. Diary products tend to contain a lot of animal hormones which can be conflicting with your hormones. Select the organic variant if you still want to take it since this contains a lower amount of those animal hormones.

I have extracted a list of the most important food to avoid which will help you to get pregnant successfully. Here is the list
Junk Food - Those are food that will give you extra calorie and extra weight without any benefit of healthy food.

Caffeine and Alcohol – They are known to prevent the absorption of folic acid and iron, two essential nutrients needed in pregnancy

Fats – Not all fats are harmful, select the poly or mono-unsaturated fats sparingly. In fact you need only 5% fat in your diet to stay healthy

Food Additives – These are chemicals and such chemical additives are prone to cause hormonal imbalance, impair blood sugar levels and reduce fertility

Unpasteurized Foods – Although most diary products in the supermarket are pasteurized, be aware of some products those are unpasteurized ones.

Sea Food – Although fish is the preferred protein source, but here are some type of fish you should avoid: oysters, mackerel, sharks, swordfish, tilefish and tropical fish like mahi-mahi, grouper and amberjack.

Uncooked or Cured Meats – This includes raw meat and eggs, runny eggs, shrimp cocktails, ceviche and nitrites preserved meats like salami, luncheon meats, frankfurters, smoked beef and fish.

Herbal Teas – The kind of teas that you should avoid is green tea, ginseng, raspberry, slippery elm and cohash tea which can provoke contractions

Avoid Dieting – Do not get tempted to be on a diet due to weight gain. What you need is three balanced meal per day at the minimum to keep you healthy.

That concludes things to avoid when you want to make yourself ready to get pregnant. 


A Total Approach to Enhance Fertility

Fertility enhancers also include a lot of things such as vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies or drug prescriptions. So, it is not just about food but even include some factors of a healthy lifestyle such healthy diet, adequate exercises, stress management and the attempt to quit smoking, alcoholism and drugs.

Let us take a look at several fertility enhancers that you should never overlook when trying to boost fertility. They include several factors that work together rather than just focusing on a single element to yield the needed level of fertility to be able get pregnant or conceive.

Diet and Weight Control

Most degenerative diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke and other conditions like obesity, insomnia and general pain is a result of prolonged bad eating habits such us uncontrolled dieting and eating unhealthy foods.

Maintaining a healthy balanced diet is a fundamental factor to prevent the above diseases and condition which are all strongly related to fertility, especially overweight. Both overweight and underweight play a significant role in the production of estrogen, which is the female hormone that controls the ovulation process in women. Hence it is important to keep your weight at a steady level through sufficient exercising and adopting a healthy diet plan.
Fertility boosting foods

Common fertility boosting foods usually contain a portion of whole grains, plant protein, vegetables and fruits, full-fat diary products, and the healthy fats such as omega-3, mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Fertility boosting herbs

Herbs are the gifts of nature which played a central role in the maintaining of health and longevity of mankind and civilization. It has been practiced that herbs are used to boost fertility and cure infertility. Traditional healers from ancient time have taken benefits of many safe and sound herbal remedies to treat diseases and to keep health.

Among those fertility boosting herbs are red clover blossoms (Trifolium pretense),
nettle leaves (Urtica dioica), raspberry leaves (Rubus ideaus), dong quai (Angelica sinensis), false unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum), damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca) and chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus)

In spite of there well known effectiveness, any intention to take such fertility boosting herb should be with the knowledge of your doctor. Herbal remedies are actually not under strict control of the FDA, while there is also a chance that the effect of the herbs will interfere you current medication if any.

Fertility boosting medications

Some medicines are known to be able to stimulate ovulation process. The course of action of such medicine is similar to the function of natural hormones which in ovulation disorders may be deficient. This will eventually increase the probability to conceive.

But using such fertility medicines can put you into a risk to have multiples. The injection in particular, is riskier and can increase the risk of bearing multiples aroun 20%.

The common used drug in infertility treatments are Ovidrel, Pregnyl, Repronex, Gonal-F, Follistim, Glucophage and Letrozole

This is a proven system that not only enhanced fertility but cures infertility in an all-natural way, which is able to permanently eliminates infertility issues without drugs or surgery. You can safe your money on pills, potions, and other worthless quick fix cures. Lisa Olson the author of Pregnancy Miracle will teach you the truth about getting pregnant once and for all and finally be the proud mother you deserve. Here is the link to Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle


Is Pregnancy After 40 Out of Question?

Pregnancy after 40?  Well, there was a time that becoming pregnant after 40 – for whatever reason – is out of question. The risk was too high to challenge and the medical profession at that time was most likely to tell you to avoid such plan and probably recommended you to adopt a child rather than facing a high risk pregnancy and labor.

But that time has gone forever. Thanks to the advancement of obstetrics and gynecology and also the improvements of mother and child health care. Becoming pregnant after 40 is now a common case. This goes along with the changing behavior of couples to delay marriage or adopt late family planning to focus on other things first such as career and life enjoyment.

We can not discard the fact there is a higher risk to take compared to women who get pregnant in their younger age. If this is your first child, the risk is also higher than if you have had a couple of babies before. What you don’t need to worry is today’s proven methodology and procedures which is able to successfully handle such cases. So, get pregnant, don’t worry, be happy.

But, just for your information and considerations, do not take it too easy. You should still provide special care for your health and physical condition. You need a health adviser who can carefully monitor your health and detect possible abnormalities that may occur to be tackled in its early stage.

It is most likely that your doctor will ask you to undergo some exams and sonograms more often. You can also be requested to go through some additional exams or tests such as amniocentesis to make sure that your baby is in good health. The doctor will also let you know if there is a situation that can affect your health and pregnancy.  

In your forties you might be put at a higher risk to suffer from gestational diabetes which is a temporary abnormal increase of glucose in the blood. The indication of this condition is an excessive weight gain. To minimize such risk you should follow a healthy balanced diet for both you and your baby. You can ask the assistance of a nutritionist to formulate a healthy diet plan and suggests some exercise you should combine with the diet plan.

Please be aware of hypertension or high blood pressure. To avoid this happen you can keep a certain relaxation level and create a stress-free environment while continuing your pregnancy. Relaxation and get away from your stressful daily routines is a good remedy to prevent high blood pressure. Discard negative influences around you such as non-supportive family members or conversations that let you down.

Another condition that worries much is the possibility of a miscarriage or premature birth. Having such worry, it will be best to discuss this with your doctor rather than develop the worry. Your doctor can provide you with all the information to clarify the possible cause of such miscarriage. It will be most likely that you should take a bed rest at the later months of your pregnancy

If you wish to follow an assured system to guard a healthy pregnancy after 40 than you should obtain PREGNANCY MIRACLE SYSTEM. A lot of women above 40 had successful pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies.

Here is what Lisa Olson has to say about her wonderful system:
"Get pregnant naturally and give birth to healthy children with the Pregnancy Miracle! Guaranteed! Discover how I have taught thousands of women worldwide to conceive faster than they ever thought possible, even if you've never succeeded to get pregnant before... Right here you can get the pregnancy success system you've been looking for! Just click here!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


10 Reasons You Can’t Get Pregnant

Why Can’t I Get Pregnant? Well, I hope that any body who might be asking this question will still be in good motivation and still possesses a mind of “ever onward no retreat”, and will stay in the mood to continue trying to get pregnant. I will tell you exactly an excellent way that can get you pregnant fast and naturally. Thus keep reading.

First, I am going to answer that question, straightly and convincingly, and the answer is YES, YOU CAN! But I am going to provide you with 10 reasons why you probably can’t get pregnant. And it seems that the responsibility for not getting pregnant does not just lie on you, but your partner should be responsible too. I will tell you why while presenting the list below:

Reason #1 – Not enough sex

This happens very often to young, busy, active and working couples. Either one of them or both are too busy and then too tired to have a warm and lovely sex regularly in short period of intervals. Having sex for just once a week won’t be enough.     
Reason #2 – Sex at the wrong times

The best time to get pregnant is when your ovulation occurs. It is the time where your ovum gets ready to be fertilized by the champion spermatozoa of your partner. A good time to start a getting pregnant sex session is one week before and after the estimation date of ovulation. So, get ready.

Reason #3 – Smoking (you and your partner)

A cigarette contains around 4.000 chemical substances that are proven dangerous and some are considered as carcinogenics. So, if you smoke you are more likely to reduce your fertility and can eventually endanger your coming baby. Just give a hard try to stop smoking. Besides, smoking will definitely lower a male’s sperm count.

Reason #4 – Alcoholism (you and your partner)

Are you or your partner an alcoholic that drinks more than four units in a week? If yes, it is proven that this habit may reduce the possibility of getting pregnant by one third. The reason is that this habit will make you lose appetite and eventually losing your energy. A hard try to stop drinking should be exerted seriously.

Reason #5 – No balanced diet

Are you a following a balanced diet? A balanced diet doesn’t necessarily mean to cut out all your favorite foods, junk food, high-cholesterol food and what so ever, or applying a strict eating schedule, but it is just simply eating food in a moderate way and quantity, no overdoing. Adding supplements, vitamins and minerals will be good to support your pregnancy, while some foods are good to boost your fertility e.g. fish and whole grain.  
Reason #6 – Underweight or overweight (you and your partner)

Are you classified as obese or overweight? It is very important to bring your weight about normal, since overweight has a lower possibility to getting pregnant where the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and unpredictable. It also counts if you are underweight where there is a tendency to eat less which leads to insufficient energy to support a normal pregnancy. Consult your doctor to help you bring your weight down or up to a favorable level.  

Reason #7 – Too much caffeine (you and your partner)

Drinking a cup of coffee or tea daily will be okay. But never have more and drink too much caffeine containing beverages. Caffeine has been proven to decrease fertility in women and lowering sperm counts in males. Caffeine is also known to be the cause of low birth weight babies and increases the incidence of miscarriage. To play it safe, the official recommendation by the Food Standards Agency is maximum 200 mg per day during pregnancy.  

Reason #8 – No exercises (you and your partner)

Exercising is the best way to keep your body fit and facilitate the functioning of the body system to the optimum. Exercising will burn your fat down and prevent the accumulation of fat in body tissues. This condition will provide an easier task to get pregnant. Another benefit of exercising to getting pregnant is that you will be in a perfect condition to have quality sex more frequently. But, do not over-exercise, which might be harmful to your body and will ruin your entire getting pregnant plan.

Reason #9 – Too obsessive about getting pregnant

You might be so excited in getting pregnant which can turn into an obsession, which is not good. The stronger the obsession the bigger the worry will be felt, which eventually will be putting you in a serious stressful condition. Stress is one of the causes for menstrual irregularity and might affect the process of ovulation.
Stress will also give a negative impact to your relation with your partner which a barrier of having sex.

Reason #10 – The presence of possible infertility problems (you and your partner)

Some common infertility problems may be the reason for not getting pregnant. In women there are two conditions which make it difficult to facilitate a normal pregnancy which are Endometrioisis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, while in men the most common fertility problem is an inadequate sperm count.

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial-like cells proliferates outside the uterus and tends to cover the ovary and obstruct normal ovulation. The ovum can not reach the Fallopian tube to meet the spermatozoa.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal disorder with excessive male hormone (testosterone) which impairs the function of the ovary and will produce immature follicles instead. Ovulation will never happen (un-ovulation) or very seldom (oligo-ovulation).

Inadequate sperm count is a condition in the male who possesses a disability to have the required measurable level of sperm and semen. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of this condition. Treatment problems should be addressed to the psychological aspects of the male.  

This concludes 10 reason why you can’t get pregnant. Attending to those issues may give you a valuable contribution to your pregnancy plan. 


Understanding A Normal Pregnancy Process

This pregnancy information is presented to provide you with a general understanding about the whole pregnancy process. Getting pregnant is probably the dream of almost every married couple whether just married or those who have been trying hard – ‘struggling’ may be the more exact word – to get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies.

Before we are going to discuss the central point of this site, which is getting you pregnant in the fastest but still natural way, whatever your condition would be at the presence, it is best if I provide you with some pointers of pregnancy information on what pregnancy is all about. I am referring this pregnancy information as a normal pregnancy.

Pregnancy information #1 – Your prenatal care

Not speaking about the process of getting pregnant, I mean the fertilizing process of an ovum by a sperm champion, getting pregnant will mean starting series of visits to see your obstetrician, who will then take care of you and your coming baby throughout the entire prenatal course.

Unless you are under the supervision of a midwife who usually makes home visits, it is more likely that you will be in the care of an obstetrician, especially if you are a person that relies on professional care. The essential role of an obstetrician is to guard your pregnancy and to is able to determine in the early stage that something is going wrong with your pregnancy.

A pattern of visits to your obstetrician is every 3 – 4 week during early pregnancy which will then become more frequent as your pregnancy progresses to the more mature stage until it becomes a weekly visit during the last month.

You will probably encounter two possibilities, first, where everything is considered as a normal pregnancy or second, you may be included in the high-risk pregnancy group. A high-risk pregnancy includes hypertension, proteinuria (protein in urine), fetal growth abnormalities, ultrasound abnormality, or any other condition that will be justified by your obstetrician as high risk factors. A high-risk pregnancy will for sure need extra supervision and care.

A prenatal care will include 3 stages, which is the first, second and third trimester.

Pregnancy information #2 - The First Trimester Prenatal Care

This is the first twelve week of pregnancy or about ten weeks following a conception. Your doctor will compile all the necessary pregnancy information and documentation about your pregnancy health, general medical exams related to your pregnancy and attend to any question from your side if any.

There are no special measures that will be taken to check your health, it is all the routine stuff like checking your weight, blood pressure and a dip-stick test to check your urine whether there are signs of abnormality. The outcome is mostly like; negative vaginal bleeding, unusual vaginal discharge negative, fever negative, unusual pain or cramps negative, and no sign of other medical abnormalities.

Physical exams and laboratory checks, like culture and blood work during this trimester will provide you about your pregnancy information in the early stage whether you are included in the high-risk group or not.

Aside from the blood check and vagina cultures you might undergo an initial examination to be able to evaluate your general health and the size of your uterus as well. At this stage the doctor will not be able to hear a baby’s heartbeat yet hence the uterus size is used to indicate that the fetal growth matches the expected size of the uterus gestational age.

Your doctor will also measure your pelvis through an exam called pelvimetry which is done manually using the doctor’s hand. This is to make sure that there isn’t any problem with the space where the fetus will grow in and pass through during labor.

The blood test and other laboratory tests are meant to check any possible disease or condition that might hamper the progress of the pregnancy and health of you and your baby as well.

Such disease or condition may include anemia, the absence of Rhesus (Rh) factor, immunity against German measles or Rubella, syphilis, thyroid dysfunction, hepatitis and probable exposure to HIV which is the cause of AIDS. The vaginal culture is meant to check the possible presence of gonorrhea, Chlamydia and may be streptococcus B which is usually checked at the 28th week.

Something that should be considered is the possible sign of miscarriage. The first trimester is where miscarriage is most likely to occur. Statistics shows that up to 20% of pregnancies are ending up with miscarriage caused by genetic disorders at the conception stage.

Pregnancy information #3 - The Second Trimester Prenatal Care

This is the 12th - 24th week of pregnancy. This trimester is a sort of relieving time after the worry of miscarriage, cramps, nausea and vomiting that happened in the 1st trimester. It is best that you enjoy this time before you will get to the 3rd trimester which has its own set of worries and distress.

Your visit intervals will range about 2 – 4 weeks which depends on your doctor. Routine checks of blood pressure, body weight and urine will be exerted as usual. The doctor may examine and record the fundal height and fetal heart tones in every visit.
During this quiet period the observation will be on the general health of the mother and child.

You may as well read books on pregnancy or other pregnancy information and discuss it with your doctor to add some knowledge and perspective.

Around the 15th – 20th week you will be asked to undergo an alphafetoprotein test to check possible defect in the neural tube (Spina bifida) or Down’s syndrome. For genetic studies purposes, if you are over 35 years old (which includes you in the high-risk) you will be asked to participate in amniocentesis at the week 15 of pregnancy.

As an effect of your growing baby, which definitely needs more space, you may experience a new and strange pain that comes and goes. You also feel shortness of breath, pain in your ligaments, nerve tingling and other strange feelings that happened in this trimester.

If you have a history of a weak cervix or preterm deliveries, your doctor may be aware of such condition and will look for signs of preterm labor. Fetal movement, which is a sign of a living baby can be detected during eighteen weeks. As the pregnancy progresses the fetal movements becomes more regular from time to time.

Any decrease of fetal movement may indicate an inappropriate growth which will prompt additional ultrasound exam to determine the health of the fetus and your health as well

Pregnancy information #4 - The Third Trimester Prenatal Care

This trimester will start around the 13th – 18th week of gestation and will end around the 37th – 42nd week where your visits become more frequent. Usually it will be every 2 – 3 weeks during the 24th – 36th week, after that your visit will be weekly until the due date.

Your doctor or nurse will start to checking your cervix to observe possible changes which can indicate how the labor is about to happen.

The time of checking the cervix depends on your doctor’s discretion, but it is usually as early in the 37th week. The time limit of a normal birth should happen at the 40th week, beyond that point extra surveillance should be performed. Some practical test like the stress and non-stress test as well as an additional ultrasound test will be prudent.

In this 3rd trimester you might encounter the possibility of pregnancy related complication which is Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH), in the past time known as toxemia gravidarum or pre-eclampsia. The doctor will look for the possibility sign indicating this condition.

Another check that will be conducted in this trimester is the screening of possible Gestational Diabetes, usually in the 26th week of pregnancy. While a Group-B-Streptococcus culture will be done in the 28th week.