Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Essential Vitamins to Get Pregnant

Vitamin is an organic chemical compound which are required by our body but is not able to be synthesized by our body and should be obtained from outside through our diet.

Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a human being. Starting at the very beginning at the conception where the development takes place by absorbing the required nutrients. The developing fetus needs certain vitamins and minerals to produce the body parts and system such as the skin, bone as well as the muscles.

In case of serious deficiency in one or several vitamins and nutrients, the presence of a deficiency disease could be obvious and are most likely to cause permanent damage in the developing fetus.

After completion of growth and development and after birth till it gets mature as a healthy adult, vitamins and minerals are still required to maintain the perfect function of the entire body systems. They are needed as catalysts of various metabolic processes of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. So, the message is very clear: Do not neglect your vitamin and mineral requirement.     

It is recommended to start taking vitamin supplements when you plan to get pregnant. You can select the kind of prenatal vitamins which contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. Look for those that contain B vitamins, Folic acid and Zinc, which are essential in the production of female hormones.

Here is a short list of most common prenatal vitamins and minerals composition with its minimum daily requirement:

Vit. A & Beta Carotene (700 mcg) - Supports in the development of bones and teeth.

Vitamin D (5 mcg) - Helps the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in our body; promotes bones and teeth strength

Vit. E (15 mg) - Supports the formation and use of erythrocytes and muscles cells

Vit. C (80 - 85 mg) - An antioxidant to prevent tissue damage and supports the body in iron absorbing; builds a healthy body immune system

Vit. B1/Thiamin (1.4 mg) - Energy booster and improve control of the nervous system

Vit. B2/Riboflavin (1.4 mg) - Maintains energy, good vision and healthy skin

Vit. B3/Niacin (18 mg) - Promotes skin health, nervous and digestive system

Pyridoxine/B6 (1.9 mg) - Supports the formation of erythrocytes and helping to relief morning sickness

Folic Acid/Folate (600 mcg) - Support the placenta, and the prevention of spina bifida and other neural tube defects

Calcium (1,000 - 1,300 mg) – Support the formation of strong bones and teeth, helps to prevent blood clotting, supports the function of muscles and nerves

(27 mg) - Supports hemoglobin production; anemia prevention, and the prevention of low birth weight, and premature delivery

Zinc (11-12 mg) - Supports the production of insulin and enzymes

Protein (60 mg) - Supports the production of amino acids and repairs cells


If you wish to follow an assured system to guard a healthy pregnancy  than you should obtain 
PREGNANCY MIRACLE SYSTEM. A lot of women with infertility problems had successful pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies.

Here is what Lisa Olson has to say about her wonderful system:
"Get pregnant naturally and give birth to healthy children with the Pregnancy Miracle! Guaranteed! Discover how I have taught thousands of women worldwide to conceive faster than they ever thought possible, even if you've never succeeded to get pregnant before... Right here you can get the pregnancy success system you've been looking for! Just click here!