Wednesday, April 11, 2012


10 Reasons You Can’t Get Pregnant

Why Can’t I Get Pregnant? Well, I hope that any body who might be asking this question will still be in good motivation and still possesses a mind of “ever onward no retreat”, and will stay in the mood to continue trying to get pregnant. I will tell you exactly an excellent way that can get you pregnant fast and naturally. Thus keep reading.

First, I am going to answer that question, straightly and convincingly, and the answer is YES, YOU CAN! But I am going to provide you with 10 reasons why you probably can’t get pregnant. And it seems that the responsibility for not getting pregnant does not just lie on you, but your partner should be responsible too. I will tell you why while presenting the list below:

Reason #1 – Not enough sex

This happens very often to young, busy, active and working couples. Either one of them or both are too busy and then too tired to have a warm and lovely sex regularly in short period of intervals. Having sex for just once a week won’t be enough.     
Reason #2 – Sex at the wrong times

The best time to get pregnant is when your ovulation occurs. It is the time where your ovum gets ready to be fertilized by the champion spermatozoa of your partner. A good time to start a getting pregnant sex session is one week before and after the estimation date of ovulation. So, get ready.

Reason #3 – Smoking (you and your partner)

A cigarette contains around 4.000 chemical substances that are proven dangerous and some are considered as carcinogenics. So, if you smoke you are more likely to reduce your fertility and can eventually endanger your coming baby. Just give a hard try to stop smoking. Besides, smoking will definitely lower a male’s sperm count.

Reason #4 – Alcoholism (you and your partner)

Are you or your partner an alcoholic that drinks more than four units in a week? If yes, it is proven that this habit may reduce the possibility of getting pregnant by one third. The reason is that this habit will make you lose appetite and eventually losing your energy. A hard try to stop drinking should be exerted seriously.

Reason #5 – No balanced diet

Are you a following a balanced diet? A balanced diet doesn’t necessarily mean to cut out all your favorite foods, junk food, high-cholesterol food and what so ever, or applying a strict eating schedule, but it is just simply eating food in a moderate way and quantity, no overdoing. Adding supplements, vitamins and minerals will be good to support your pregnancy, while some foods are good to boost your fertility e.g. fish and whole grain.  
Reason #6 – Underweight or overweight (you and your partner)

Are you classified as obese or overweight? It is very important to bring your weight about normal, since overweight has a lower possibility to getting pregnant where the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and unpredictable. It also counts if you are underweight where there is a tendency to eat less which leads to insufficient energy to support a normal pregnancy. Consult your doctor to help you bring your weight down or up to a favorable level.  

Reason #7 – Too much caffeine (you and your partner)

Drinking a cup of coffee or tea daily will be okay. But never have more and drink too much caffeine containing beverages. Caffeine has been proven to decrease fertility in women and lowering sperm counts in males. Caffeine is also known to be the cause of low birth weight babies and increases the incidence of miscarriage. To play it safe, the official recommendation by the Food Standards Agency is maximum 200 mg per day during pregnancy.  

Reason #8 – No exercises (you and your partner)

Exercising is the best way to keep your body fit and facilitate the functioning of the body system to the optimum. Exercising will burn your fat down and prevent the accumulation of fat in body tissues. This condition will provide an easier task to get pregnant. Another benefit of exercising to getting pregnant is that you will be in a perfect condition to have quality sex more frequently. But, do not over-exercise, which might be harmful to your body and will ruin your entire getting pregnant plan.

Reason #9 – Too obsessive about getting pregnant

You might be so excited in getting pregnant which can turn into an obsession, which is not good. The stronger the obsession the bigger the worry will be felt, which eventually will be putting you in a serious stressful condition. Stress is one of the causes for menstrual irregularity and might affect the process of ovulation.
Stress will also give a negative impact to your relation with your partner which a barrier of having sex.

Reason #10 – The presence of possible infertility problems (you and your partner)

Some common infertility problems may be the reason for not getting pregnant. In women there are two conditions which make it difficult to facilitate a normal pregnancy which are Endometrioisis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, while in men the most common fertility problem is an inadequate sperm count.

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial-like cells proliferates outside the uterus and tends to cover the ovary and obstruct normal ovulation. The ovum can not reach the Fallopian tube to meet the spermatozoa.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal disorder with excessive male hormone (testosterone) which impairs the function of the ovary and will produce immature follicles instead. Ovulation will never happen (un-ovulation) or very seldom (oligo-ovulation).

Inadequate sperm count is a condition in the male who possesses a disability to have the required measurable level of sperm and semen. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of this condition. Treatment problems should be addressed to the psychological aspects of the male.  

This concludes 10 reason why you can’t get pregnant. Attending to those issues may give you a valuable contribution to your pregnancy plan.