Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Fertility Foods to Get Pregnant

What you eat is what you are. It’s true, isn’t it? What you eat determines your health now and in the long run. Most of the systemic and degenerative diseases are caused by the wrong eating habits, meaning what and how you eat.

Hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and serious heart diseases are mostly originated from the wrong food intake in terms of both quality and quantity.

The explosion of the food industry and the increasingly busy world are among the factors that change the lifestyle of the majority of people in modern countries, the eating habits in particular.

Healthy eating habits or get used to healthy diets is strongly related to the ability to get pregnant. Or in other words, what you eat affects fertility. Eating a healthy diet will definitely improve fertility and significantly increases the probability to get pregnant.

A healthy diet for getting pregnant is to consume a well balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein and fats. Take the long chain carbohydrates (polysaccharides or oligosaccharides) found in whole grain products and other fiber products. Fat intake should be focused on the mono-unsaturated fat. Consume eggs carefully, since the yolk may cause hypercholesterolemia.

Eat natural food rather than processed food. Natural foods like fresh fruits and vegetables are more likely free from preservatives and additives. Such chemical additives are prone to cause hormonal imbalance, impair blood sugar levels and reduce fertility.

Eat fish and avoid eating red meat. Fish is a protein-rich source, while red meat tends to increase body ammonia level which might hamper the process of egg implantation in the inner side of the uterus (endometrium) 

Eat wheat and diary products sparingly. Some ladies might be allergic to wheat without knowing it. Diary products tend to contain a lot of animal hormones which can be conflicting with your hormones. Select the organic variant if you still want to take it since this contains a lower amount of those animal hormones.

I have extracted a list of the most important food to avoid which will help you to get pregnant successfully. Here is the list
Junk Food - Those are food that will give you extra calorie and extra weight without any benefit of healthy food.

Caffeine and Alcohol – They are known to prevent the absorption of folic acid and iron, two essential nutrients needed in pregnancy

Fats – Not all fats are harmful, select the poly or mono-unsaturated fats sparingly. In fact you need only 5% fat in your diet to stay healthy

Food Additives – These are chemicals and such chemical additives are prone to cause hormonal imbalance, impair blood sugar levels and reduce fertility

Unpasteurized Foods – Although most diary products in the supermarket are pasteurized, be aware of some products those are unpasteurized ones.

Sea Food – Although fish is the preferred protein source, but here are some type of fish you should avoid: oysters, mackerel, sharks, swordfish, tilefish and tropical fish like mahi-mahi, grouper and amberjack.

Uncooked or Cured Meats – This includes raw meat and eggs, runny eggs, shrimp cocktails, ceviche and nitrites preserved meats like salami, luncheon meats, frankfurters, smoked beef and fish.

Herbal Teas – The kind of teas that you should avoid is green tea, ginseng, raspberry, slippery elm and cohash tea which can provoke contractions

Avoid Dieting – Do not get tempted to be on a diet due to weight gain. What you need is three balanced meal per day at the minimum to keep you healthy.

That concludes things to avoid when you want to make yourself ready to get pregnant.